for Reservations/Information

Christmas Party with PARC, at the Golf Crest County Club, Thursday EVENING, December 12, for dinner. Price is $25 for members (and you can buy another dinner for a spouse for an additional $25). We will be giving baby baths to Inspira Crisis Pregnancy Center, if you’d like to bring one. Jonelle Fields will fill it with all the things a new mom needs. There will be Christmas Carroling and a free ornament for all who RSVP by the deadline, which is THURSDAY December 5 at 6:00 pm


6:30 am – 7:00 pm DInner service

Meeting is – $25 which includes a buffet dinner RSVP REQUIRED by Thursday December 8 at 5pm. You can RSVP right here on the website or call Debra Jackson for more information 832-221-1788 or how to join to get the member price!

$25.00 PAYMENT REQUIRED FOR DINNER – Pay Online or At the Door. Cash or Check welcome. Members can get the $25 price by reserving in advance but paying at the door. Otherwise tickets are $35 non-members and at the door, space permitting.

Golfcrest Country Club, 2509 Country Club Dr, Pearland, Tx